Public Projects
These are only public projects. Sign in to view private projects, too.
- public 9th birthday of DAVx⁵
- public _abc_xz
- public AC Nachtreffen
- public Bohnen mit Speck und Kartoffeln
- public Coocook-Hackaton am 25.11.2023
- public dinner
- public Familienkochbuechlein
- public Familientag
- public fasadas
- public Food Plan
- public fridaymove
- public gpw2020
- public GPW2021
- public Happy Meal
- public Jungschi
- public Kochbuch
- public Kürbislasagne
- public Leckerland
- public Lichtwerk Abendessen
- public Maniok
- public MAWE
- public meine Rezepte
- public Milch
- public My Recipes
- public Nachspeisen
- public Nachtreffen 2024
- public Niki
- public Noruz
- public Paris vacation
- public ★Project Template (English)
- public ★Projekt-Vorlage (German/Deutsch)
- public Repas de famille
- public sd
- public Semaine 38/22
- public Silvesterfreizeit
- public Ski2019
- public solaallgaeu Rezeptesammlung
- public SOLA Leipzig 2021 VBT I Mittagessen (2 Personen)
- public Sola VBT III
- public Test_123
- public testest
- public testproject
- public Testsuppe - Tomatencreme_v01
- public tropeiro
- public we
- public Wohnwoche
A project on is a self-contained collection of data for an event,
for example a dinner party or a vacation week,
including a meal plan, all ingredients, cooking instructions and purchase lists.