Public Recipes
These are only public recipes. Sign in to view private recipes, too, or to import a recipe into one of your projects.
Blätterteig->import($käse || $sauerkraut + $schinken) from public GPW2021 by person Daniel Böhmer (dboehmer)
Dinge, die nicht in Rezepten stehen from public Nachtreffen 2024 by person solaallgaeu (solaallgaeu)
Joghurt nach Griechischer Art (VBT) from public SOLA Leipzig 2021 VBT I Mittagessen (2 Personen) by person Lina Roscher (rolschinera)
Mais-Hack-Topf VBT 1 2021 from public SOLA Leipzig 2021 VBT I Mittagessen (2 Personen) by person Lina Roscher (rolschinera)
Nudeln mit Erbsen-Schinken-Sahnesoße from public Nachtreffen 2024 by person solaallgaeu (solaallgaeu)
Nudeln mit Erbsen-Schinken-Sahnesoße from public solaallgaeu Rezeptesammlung by person solaallgaeu (solaallgaeu)
Reis (VBT 1 2021) from public SOLA Leipzig 2021 VBT I Mittagessen (2 Personen) by person Lina Roscher (rolschinera)
Rosenkohl-Porree-Sahne-Soße from public Coocook-Hackaton am 25.11.2023 by person Daniel Böhmer (dboehmer)
Salatsoße Buttermilch-Zitrone from public solaallgaeu Rezeptesammlung by person solaallgaeu (solaallgaeu)
info You can use these recipes as a template for your project. To do so import some into your project first and then create a new dish from the recipe of your choice.